While Canadians speak many languages, our country has two official languages: French and English.
From Grades 5 to 8, all students in B.C. are required to have second language instruction. Core French is taught in every one of our elementary and middle schools. The program is also offered in every secondary school as an elective.
The Core French Program:
- helps students develop a positive feeling towards French language and the francophone population throughout the world;
- increases awareness and understanding of the values, customs and other elements of the French culture, particularly as experienced in Canada;
- increases, within realistic limits, the ability to communicate effectively in French.
For more information, please contact:
Ms. Shauna Beaton-Rae, Language and Culture Coordinator
1100 Winslow Avenue, Coquitlam, BC V3J 2G3
Starting in Kindergarten, the Early French Immersion Program is an alternative program that offers all students whose first language is not French the possibility of completing the prescribed B.C. curriculum and learning French at the same time.
The Early French Immersion Program:
- helps students develop strong communication skills in both English and French;
- expands cultural horizons; and
- helps prepare students for the global economy.
From Kindergarten to Grade 2: 100% of instruction is in French
In Grades 4-5: 80% of instruction is in French.
In Grades 6-8: 80% of instruction is in French.
In Grades 9-10: 50% of instruction is in French.
In Grades 11-12: 25% of instruction is in French.
Which schools offer Early French Immersion?
(Kindergarten - Grade 5)
(Grade 6 - Grade 8)
(Grade 9-12)
Starting in Grade 6, the Late French Immersion program is an alternative program that offers students whose first language is not French the possibility of completing the prescribed B.C. curriculum and learning French at the same time.
The Late French Immersion Program:
helps students develop strong communication skills in both English and French;
expands cultural horizons and;
helps prepare students for the global economy
Late French Immersion is a three-year program offered at the Grades 6-8 level that enables students to build their French language skills so they can join Early French Immersion students when they reach high school and continue in French Immersion until the end of Grade 12.
In Grade 6: 100% of instructional time is in French. Exploration subjects are usually taught in English. English Language Arts are not taught in the first year of late immersion.
In Grade 7: 80% of instruction time is in French. English Language Arts and Exploration subjects are usually taught in English.
In Grade 8: 80% of instructional time is in French. English Language Arts and Exploration subjects are usually taught in English.
Which schools offer Late French Immersion?
Application Process for Early and Late French Immersion
- Children entering Kindergarten in September must apply through the Programs of Choice application online.
- Students entering Grade 1 (currently in Kindergarten) wishing to enroll, please contact Shauna Beaton-Rae, Language and Culture Coordinator.
- Kindergarten children with siblings in the program must still apply online on the main page of our website and will be given highest priority (provided the sibling will still be in attendance the following school year), if space is available.
- Children with siblings in a Program of Choice must still apply online.
- Applications will be processed on a RANDOM DRAW BASIS.
To apply for:
Applications for the French Immersion Program are now closed.
Kindergarten Program of Choice parents will be notified by email on the status of their application beginning Monday, January 27th.
Late Program of Choice parents will be notified by email on the status of their application beginning Tuesday, January 28th.
Families who have been accepted into a program of choice do not need to apply for cross catchment. The school will provide directions regarding registration.
For more information regarding the Early and Late French Immersion Program, please contact:
Ms. Shauna Beaton-Rae, Language and Culture Coordinator
1100 Winslow Avenue, Coquitlam, BC V3J 2G3